Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Warzone Eternal Battle Report


Alex and Bryan's battle report has been posted, fielding the megacorporate forces of Imperial against the sinister agents of Algeroth!

It's been great to see the game in action and I'm loving what I've seen so far as its got lots of elements that remind me of 1st edition, while modernising it. What's been really great to see is the game keeps both players fully engaged with all sorts of exciting and cinematic moments like ambush fire, snapping to cover and reaction fire and it doesn't slow the game down at all from what I've seen.

Whats been fun as well was seeing Warzone getting played and giving us an idea of how long a small skirmish is likely to take as the video is just over an hour long and had Alex and Bryan pausing to explain rules so I think that once you get a decent hang of the rules, a skirmish could be played out in about 30-40 minutes.

Some of the player reactions were also priceless, especially Alex's when his Blood Beret specialist toting a LMG opened up on a Necromutant in the open at short range only to roll a fumble.

There had been a bit of humming and hahing over the individual activation and how could the game work with two troop types per force work over on Facebook but watching the game answered that rather neatly as it played out really well with each model feeling like an individual with different gear and strengths.

I'm looking forward to seeing more games played in the not too distant future, hopefully showcasing how each of the factions play!

In the meantime, All the best!

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