Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sebastian Crenshaw Sighted!


Exciting news from the Warzone Eternal Kickstarter with an exclusive miniature in the form of Sebastian Crenshaw!

Sebastian Crenshaw

The figure will become available once the KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN reaches $72k and as its currently at $66.5k, its looking very likely we're going to be able to get our hands on a Brotherhood asset which is rather exciting as Mortificators are awesome and Crenshaw is a legend!

I must admit that I got a sneak peek of the rended a few days back but had to keep it under my hat until the news was released and at first I thought it was a regular Mortificator but the Avalanche Handgun made me think twice and I realised it was none other than the legendary Sebastian Crenshaw.

The sculpt itself looks awesome and I can imagine a lot of folks will be adding $15 to get their hands on a figure that will only be available during the Kickstarter.

I had the original model back in the day and it had tons of character but by todays standards, it was a bit chonky with rather large head and long, overly muscled arms and the new concept does a great job of modernising the concept whilst channelling that dangerous look one wants with a heavily armed assassin. I also like the fact that the pose isn't over the top but dynamic and is modelled after this classic Paul Bonner illustration:

The name Crenshaw is legendary within the Brotherhood's 2nd Directorate - The Inquisition. Crenshaw is one of the Inquisition's Moritificators, highly trained. assassins, that are used to eradicate any threats to the Cardinal or the Brotherhood. No other Mortificator in the history of the Brotherhood has racked up more confirmed kills against so many important targets. The legends say Sebastian Crenshaw has never failed - at least while not working on his own. The legends are right.

Crenshaw is always dressed in black Mortificator armour and never takes off his helmet, not even in the company of his fellow brothers. He rarely, if ever discusses his work, and when he does, he uses only simple, straightforward words to describe what he has accomplished. Just as his physical personality is almost impossible to tell, as he always wears the black armour, it is very difficult to determine Crenshaw's true nature as often speaks with quotes from the Book of Law. -Warzone Dawn of War

In the original Warzone, Crenshaw was an utterly terrifying special character armed with the Avalanche, a pistol that did as much damage as a plasma carbine and the Deathdealer Sword, a heavy blade that could do sweep attacks and when combined with Crenshaw's strength and combat skill was utterly lethal. For Warzone Eternal, the figure will be classed as a normal Mortificator armed with Avalanche Handgun and Punisher Blades and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the legendary Brotherhood assassins work in the new game!

I'm really looking forward to the battle report between Bryan CP Steele, the games creator and Alex Kanous, the man behind Res Nova and Warzone Eternal as its going to give us a better idea of how the small single man skirmish will run!

In the meantime, All the best!

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